One nation one Skillport is one small step in technology but a giant leap in the evolution of resolving the complex problem of matching unskilled and semi-skilled labour force with suitable employers, pan India. Digital identity research initiative at ISB, funded by the Omidyar network, is developing India’s first tamper proof, human centric and layerable Skillport with its technology partners. The Skillport is powered by state-of-the-art blockchain technology, built on a user-friendly app, that enables workers with both feature phones and smart phones.
One nation one skill port is one small step in technology but a giant leap in the evolution of resolving the complex problem of matching unskilled and semi-skilled labor force with suitable employers.
The skill port provides a veritable digital asset to workers leveraging their skills and associated employment benefits to access geographical and financial mobility. The skill port aims to eliminate information asymmetry between consumers of financial benefits as loans and insurances and providers and underwriters of these instruments.
This solutioning challenge is a multi-layered opportunity whose genesis is in identifying individuals, developing a digital community, indexing and cataloguing them on their self-reported skills and prior experience, recording deep meta data on their work preferences, digital, immutable and near real time updates on their background verification and KYC documentation status, job specific in app assessments prior to their mobilization to worksites, and real time data on workers’ OTJ (on the job) performance and their responses to incentive gamification
The digital nature of these processes strengthens the hypothesis of replicability and scalability viz. pan India deployment and availability of data records, such as base education and certifications, training performance, location, job and shift preferences, targeted upskilling interventions, on the job ratings and mapping of specific intervention to their outcomes in time and space.
India is lowest ranked when it comes to population of percentage skilled per capita when compared economies like China, USA and South Korea A mismatch of skills is keeping the workforce unemployed and the wages which is an issue in the country.
As per National Skill Development Corporation’s (NSDC) Sector Specific reports on Human Resource and Skill Requirements, there would be an incremental requirement of 103.4 million people in the 24 high growth sectors requiring fresh skilling.
There are a lot of jobs in the range of ₹15,000- ₹25,000 but a lot of the blue-collar workers are not skilled to take up these jobs. There are jobs seekers and job providers too, however, the problem is that there is a skill gap between what is needed and what is required.
The job scenario in the blue-collar workforce is seeing a growth with lot of opportunities in segments like logistics and food delivery. We need to quickly upskill people and also match the job seekers to the job provider.
New approaches, at whose heart, lies the digitization of identity, to hiring that draw from insights in development and behavioral economics using persuasion, peer-effects, salience and inattention can be used to solve matching problems in recruitment. Gigforce enables the collection of new kinds of video and audio data to measure non-cognitive skills which will be used to improve prediction about who performs better in blue-collar jobs. The creation of digital identities can also help in developing hyperlocal and micro certifications that can greatly enhance the match quality as employers can better differentiate the quality of workers and workers can better signal their skills in the labor market.
To know more, connect with Saumya Kumar and Anirudh Syal